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Submit a BIG Grant Application Online

Submit a BIG Grant Application Online

The Business Improvement Grant (BIG), administered by the Office of Economic Development, is available to help fund business improvements that will result in the creation and retention of jobs, increased sales revenue, and increased capital investment in Thornton facilities. BIG is primarily a matching funds program. Once approved, the Planning, Development Engineering, and Building Divisions work with awardees to coordinate permits, inspections, and project requirements.

Review ALL information here before submitting an application!

Your application will not be processed until ALL information is received.

BIG Application Form

Note: Your application will not be processed until ALL information is received.

"*" indicates required fields

Type of grant*
Has business received BIG funding in the past?*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Business Address
Business owner is a resident of:*
Property owned or leased?*
Is the property subleased or shared with another business?*
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 5 MB, Max. files: 1.
    Describe how this project meets the city goals and priorities listed in the program scoring rubric.
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 10 MB, Max. files: 1.
      Drop files here or
      Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 10 MB, Max. files: 1.
        Drop files here or
        Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 10 MB, Max. files: 1.
          Drop files here or
          Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 5 MB, Max. files: 1.
            Drop files here or
            Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 5 MB, Max. files: 1.
              Drop files here or
              Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 5 MB, Max. files: 1.
                Drop files here or
                Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 5 MB, Max. files: 4.
                  Drop files here or
                  Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 5 MB, Max. files: 4.
                    Drop files here or
                    Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 5 MB, Max. files: 2.
                      Drop files here or
                      Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 25 MB, Max. files: 20.
                        I acknowledge that all information in this BIG application is accurate and correct.*
                        This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.