Welcome to the Office of Economic Development! Our dedicated team is here to provide unwavering support to Thornton businesses and individuals seeking to establish or transfer their operations here. Our array of comprehensive services is designed to simplify your search and decision-making process. Whether you’re a local business aiming to thrive or a new venture considering Thornton as your home, we’re here to assist every step of the way. Reach out to us today.
Office of Economic Development
9500 Civic Center Drive
Thornton, CO 80229

Small Business Services
Thornton provides many services and facilities for our small businesses through the Alliance Business Assistance Center.
Call or email today for an appointment, or click below to use our meeting space!
I would absolutely recommend the Alliance Business Assistance Center for help with growing and starting your business. It’s been a very helpful resource for me and others.
Kristina Hattendorf, Owner, H Frame Custom Framing & Art
Meet Our Team

Adam Krueger, CEcD
Economic Development Director

Julie Jacoby, CEcD
Deputy Director

Kate Bentley
Real Estate & Marketing Administrator

Carla Courter
Executive Assistant

Chad Howell, CHMM
Redevelopment Administrator

Brenda Gomez
Business Outreach Specialist

Janet Gonzalez
Business Outreach Specialist

Jenny Leon
Small Business Manager