Starting a business is a huge step in the life of a business owner. Making sure that a good foundation is set is perhaps the most important step of all.
In this workshop, we’re going to talk about the best practices for starting off on the right foot and gathering the information you’re going to need to be successful. We will look at the value of creating a business plan and choosing the format that’s best for you. Next, we’ll consider where to find information about your business idea to help you make wise and informed decisions. Finally, we’ll consider different options on how to transition from planning a business to actually starting your business and what it takes to start making money.
I hope you can join us for this fast-paced learning experience for starting your own business.
In this workshop, participants will learn:
– The importance of a good business plan.
– Business plan templates that are available
– Key components for your business plan
– Topics and resources for doing market research
– The value of understanding your competition
– Transitioning from planning to operating a small business